About the company:

"Skillbox is a leading educational platform in Russia. Skillbox is a leading educational platform in Russia. Skillbox is an educational platform that has a well-diversified portfolio of programs (design, gaming, multimedia, management) and shorter duration courses with lower average check and asynchronous education (pre-recorded videos). Skillbox operates on its own innovative Learning Management System developed for online teaching.

Since August 2021 the company has been a member of the Skillbox Holding Limited which is an international educational holding comprising GeekBrains, SkillFactory, Lerna, and Mentorama. The audience of Skillbox Holding Limited is worldwide. 13,5 billion users in platforms is a result for the second quarter 2023 of 592k. Skillbox Holding Limited took first place in the rating of Smart Ranking in terms of revenues in 2023. "

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