Alice Keeler
Educator, Google Certified Innovator, Microsoft Innovative Educator, K12 Disrupter, and a Google Developer Expert, High School math teacher. Developer for Schoolytics.io, USA
Alice Keeler is a world renowned educator. Her top ranked EdTech blog shares teaching techniques through efficient use of technology. Passionate that paperless is not a pedagogy, Alice advocates for student centered classrooms and transforming how we teach by using tech in innovative ways. A mom of 5 and math teacher. Alice has a degree in Mathematics and a Masters degree in Educational Media Design and Technology.
She is a Google Certified Innovator, Microsoft Innovative Educator, K12 Disrupter, and a Google Developer Expert. Alice codes solutions to help teachers which can be found on her blog and at alicekeeler.com/codedbyalice.
She is the author of 7 books including "Stepping up to Google Classroom," "Ditch That Homework," and "Teaching with Google Jamboard." She is currently a faculty member at Fresno Pacific University in the department of Mathematics Education.