Egor Matveev
Director, mentor, set designer
2011–2016: Russian Institute of Theater Arts – GITIS, Department of General Stage Management, workshop of E. Kamenkovich and D. Krymov, drama director.
2005–2010: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism, International Department, journalist.
2016: Novoshakhtinsk Theater Festival – Best Debut, Best Directing, Best Duet of Director and Designer for the Happy Day performance from A. Ostrovsky’s play.
English – fluent, French and Spanish – pre-intermediate.
Special skills:
Graphic design, set and costume design, dramatic art and scriptwriting.
Directing projects:
2021: Why a Man Should be Dressed Well, Glazov Drama Theater Paraphrase, Glazov.
2021: Three Times of Summer, Kaliningrad.
2020: Seven Days in Sovrisk (Modern Art), Theater of Nations, Moscow.
2020: Blue Bird, Theater for Children and Young People, Seversk.
2019: Invisible Moscow, GUM, Moscow.
2019: Boomerang Diner, Mozarteum Theater, Salzburg, Austria.
2018: Verbatim TV, Bestuzhev State Russian Drama Theater, Ulan-Ude.
2018: Snow Queen, Snow Maiden, Journey to Christmas festival, Moscow.
2017: Cell from A. Solzhenitsyn’s play, New Space of the Theater of Nations, Moscow.
2017: Production of Delirium from P. Pryazhko’s play, Theater 18+, Rostov-on-Don.
2017: Three Sisters, demo-version from A.P. Chekhov’s play, Arkhstoyanie festival, Nikola-Lenivets.
2016: Expensive Fruits, TERRITORIЯ festival, Danilovsky market, Moscow.
2016: Klimov: Supernew, Klimov aircraft factory, St. Petersburg.
Mentoring projects:
February 2019 – February 2020: NOL.project – artistic director of the area, mentor.
Project aimed to search and develop new forms and content in a modern independent theater and to support young directors and creative teams.
April 2018 – August 2019: Museum of Moscow – artistic director of the exhibition, mentor.
The RaiON.0 exhibition is devoted to household activities of capital outskirts dwellers, the history of panel construction and modern art. The project covers the educational and theater programs, as well as the first Russian vertically-integrated movie theater.
September 2018 – November 2018: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology – artistic director of the laboratory, mentor.
The (v)Mesto post-drama theater laboratory was organized as part of the CulturAll Reboot project of the MIPT Target Capital Fund for students majoring in physics.
Other directing projects:
2021: 20th anniversary of Coffeemania restaurants, ceremony, Loft Hall, Moscow.
2020: About Vika Ivanova, Representative, Gorn Galaxy, Kanishevsky, Flash Acts zoom festival, Russia–USA.
2020: Rabbits and Boas, Taganka Theater, Moscow.
2020: Lyceum 2020, literature award, Red Square book festival, Moscow.
2019: Superbeacon, Gogol School, Moscow.
2019: Book of the Year 2019, literature award, On Strastnoy theater center, Moscow.
2019: HR: Artist, Gogol School and Museum of Moscow, Moscow.
2019: HR: Citizen, Gogol School and Museum of Moscow, Moscow
2019: K-30», Kinotavr festival, Hyatt Regency, Sochi.
2019: Mifki, NOL.project, Moscow.
2019: Storm, Volkhovka Mansion, Moscow.
2019: KARMApolis, Gogol School, Moscow.
2018: Dante Secret, Dante restaurant, Moscow.
2018: Book of the Year 2018, literature award, On Strastnoy theater center, Moscow.
2018: Intensity-2, Gogol School, Moscow.
2018: Intensity, Gogol School, Moscow.
2018: Golden Cross, Gogol School, Moscow.
2018: Anno Domini, House of Unions, Moscow.
2017: Orient Express, Belmond grand hotel, St. Petersburg.
2017: School of Neurosis, Gogol School, Moscow.
2017: Transparent Items, Gogol School, Moscow.
2017: Arizona Dream, Studio.Project, Moscow.
2016: Moscow and Muscovites, Meyerhold Center, Moscow.
2016: Happy Day, Novoshakhtinsk Drama Theater, Novoshakhtinsk.
2016: African Fables, Verum producing house, Moscow.
2015: Cynics, GITIS Training Center, Moscow.
2015: America, GITIS Training Center, Moscow.
2014: series of quests for Claustrophobia, Moscow.
Set design works:
2018: Golden Cross, Gogol School, Moscow.
2017: Equilibrium, Meyerhold Center, Moscow.
2015: Normansk, director Yu. Kvyatkovsky, Meyerhold Center, Moscow.