Madina Tynybayeva
President, National academy of education named after Y.Altynsarin, Kazakhstan
President of the Information and Analytical Center (IAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan — national coordinator of international comparative studies TIMSS, PIRLS, ICILS, PISA, TALIS, PIAAC.
Scholarship holder of the Bolashak International Fellowship, under which she received her Master's degree in Educational Science and Technology from the University of Twente, the Netherlands.
In 2017, she received her PhD in Education from Nazarbayev University's Graduate School of Education, where she studied in-school assessment practices of teachers in general education schools in Kazakhstan.
She has worked as a researcher and lecturer at universities and has held leadership positions at the Center for International Programs and Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools of Kazakhstan. She has extensive experience in educational research, teaching, and leadership in academic contexts.