Alexander Kolmanovsky
'Only for Adults' Anchor, Children's Radio – CITY FM
Alexander is a regular host of the program "Only for Adults" on Children's Radio - CITY FM.
He studied at Lomonosov Moscow State University: in 1978 he graduated from the Department of Biology, Department of Molecular Biology; in 2002 he graduated from the Department of Psychology, Department of Age (Child) Psychology.
His main work concerns individual and family counseling on problems of child-parent, family and other personal relationships. He is the author of the program "Relationship Psychology," which he teaches in various adult and children's institutions for teachers, parents, high school students, and employees of organizations.
From 1993 to 2004 he worked as a psychologist at Moscow's School No. 57. In 1998–2005 he volunteered at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences' Blokhin Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Research Center in the rehabilitation department. He teaches at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Pedagogical Education. Collaborates with the Second Mathematics School (Second School State Lyceum) and the Maria's Children Art Rehabilitation Center for Orphans and Disabled Children.
He was engaged in psychological rehabilitation of the victims of the terrorist attack at Dubrovka in 2002. Worked in Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) after the military conflict with Georgia in 2008. After the terrorist attack in Beslan in 2004 to the present day has been involved in social and psychological rehabilitation of the victims: providing individual counseling to children and adults, conducting seminars, organizing and conducting rehabilitation trips for children and adults abroad and throughout Russia, organizing medical and social assistance and fundraising.
In 1981 he graduated from the Musical School named after V.I. Lenin, where he studied at the Moscow State Pedagogical University. October Revolution (now the Schnittke Moscow State Institute of Music) in the guitar class.
Chairman of the Board of the Regional Charity Public Organization "Our Life".
Alexander has two children: a son and a daughter.