Maxim Likhanov
Researcher at SKILA Labs, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Candidate in Philology, active scientist in the field of educational psychology and cognitive neuroscience. He has experience of participating in large interdisciplinary and cross-cultural projects, including those supported by mega-grants, Project 5-100, Priority 2030, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
Maxim is the executive editor of Legal Issues Journal.
Co-founder of The Accessible Genetics Consortium (TAGC) and Plus Consortium.
Member of international scientific societies: International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) and European Association for Personality Psychology.
Reviewer of journals: British Journal for Educational Psychology, Heliyon, Psychological Research, Scientific Reports, Globalization, Society and Education, Personality and Individual Differences.
Author of publications in international journals (Google Scholar: h-index — 8, citation statistics — 234; Scopus: h-index — 5).
Coordinator of scientific and educational projects in the field of applied cognitive psychology and neuroscience (for example, a large research project "Study of individual differences in education and success": https://www.researchgate.net/project/Individual-Differences-in-Education-and-Achievement-study-IDEAs, conducted by the scientific center of cognitive research NTU "Sirius" for 4 years).
Maxim has experience in developing and adapting psychodiagnostic tools, among them:
- Adaptation and development of an online spatial abilities battery for school- and college-aged students (Budakova et al., 2021; Lihanov et al., 2021);
- Personality and well-being assessment tests adapted from an international project (Big Five personality traits and emotional and behavioral problems (Papageorgiou et al., 2020; Likhanov et al., 2020);
- development of a new visual-spatial memory assessment test (Tsigeman et al., 2022).