8 December, 10:50 - 11:30
  • EdTech Cases
Case session
Channel 10
From an Educational Project to MVP in Seven Weeks

During the case-session there will be presented three blocks that define quality of an educational program and help to ensure that the course is not a simple compilation of informative materials but more of a way from 0 point to 1 - towards MVP. 1st block will be devoted to competencies: what is a competency model and how to employ it in education, how to evaluate levels of competencies at different programs. Using examples of two roles - competency model designer and educational program designer - we will demonstrate how to arrange effective collaboration and achieve advanced results. The 2nd block will be about teachers and experts: hiring teachers as an important element of educational program. We will help to solve the problem of shortage of specialists in this field and give insights on how to find a teacher for mass teaching. The 3rd block will be devoted to MVP and how to build up a program so that at the end you could obtain not only new knowledge and competencies but some practical results. We will present a case on how learners in 7 weeks managed to advance competencies and graduated with an operating prototype of a project.

With support
  • The Education centre for digital transformation teams and CDTOs
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Panel discussion
EdCrunch Break

7 December, 01:10 - 01:15
Panel discussion
Channel 2

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