
Anniversary Global Conference on Digital Tech in Education

EdCrunch X   November 15-16, 2023 Equal access for everyone
anytime anywhere

location_on Palace of the Republic, Hotel Kazakhstan

Imagine the world where everyone, has equal opportunities

10 000+ online viewers

Online on the platform
edcrunch.online from anywhere in the world

3000+ offline participants

Offline in Almaty on the grounds of the
Palace of the Republic and the Hotel "Kazakhstan"

10 years of EdCrunch unites
T&D and L&D Specialists
Educators, Caretakers
Companies and Corporations
Educational Programs
Preschool Organizations and Early Development Centers
Founders, Developers, Methodologists, Product Managers, Marketers
Corporate Universities
EdTech Startups
Child Development Spaces
Digital Information Managers
Directors, Teachers, Methodologists
Educational and Methodical Departments, Universities, Colleges, and Technical Schools
Schools, Gymnasiums, and Lyceums

What will happen on EdCrunch X

2 days of the conference
16 hours of networking
full-time participants
10 000
countries of the world
7 thematic tracks
150 events
50 international
350 world-class
25 media

The main theme of EdCrunch
is equal access to quality
education for everyone

Through 7 thematic tracks, you will learn how technologies, new approaches and
tools are created to ensure access of children and adults to quality education

View full program Suggest an event
EdCrunch X Speakers
Interactive exhibition of
EdTech Startups

EdCrunch is much more than a two—day meeting.

Promote your brand, find customers,
investors, partners, sign contracts and
get feedback from consumers.

Can't come to Almaty?
Participate online
Online broadcast
High quality broadcasting and simultaneous translation into 3 languages.
Direct communication
Ask questions to speakers during live broadcasts and chat in chat rooms.
Smart recommendations
Fill out the profile, we will recommend performances and participants by interests.
Access during the year
Annual access to a personal account with records, contacts, companies and products.
Online Exhibition of Edutech Startups
Get acquainted with EdTech products, open demo access, special offers, chat with a company representative.
Tickets for EdCrunch X

Each ticket includes access to video recordings, simultaneous translation, and a certificate of participation.

15% discount
When buying from three tickets in one category.
Choose a currency
From 140 $

for legal entities and

  • two offline conference days in Almaty
  • access to all events of the business program
  • access to mentorship program
  • EdTech start-ups zone access
  • access to edcrunch.online and 1 year access to all sessions recordings
From 76 $

for legal entities and

  • two online conference days
  • access to live stream of all events of the business program
  • access to online exhibition of EdTech start-ups
  • access to edcrunch.online and 1 year access to all sessions recordings
How can an employer justify their participation in EdCrunch X?
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Companies that visit EdCrunch
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About EdCrunch 2022
Watch the video
What they say about EdCrunch
our speakers

"I'm shocked with how interesting the environment is here. It is good to see how much excitement there is around creating great distance learning materials".

Barbara Oakley
Oakland University

"I was impressed with the conference. The way you bring together higher education, school, and government authorities. Other conferences usually have one thing only. It is great that you unite all these people".

John O'Brien

"The most fascinating thing that happens between sessions is communication with each other".

Jordan Shapiro
Brookings Institution

"The most interesting and exciting thing about EdCrunch is that it brings together people from all over the world. They are rooting for learning and creating a better future. Everyone has a great desire to explore what works, how to improve the situation".

Tim O’Reilly
O'Reilly Media Inc.
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General partners
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Как получить бесплатный билет на EdCrunch X по квоте для государственных организаций?
  1. Выберите в каком формате вы хотите принять участие — очно или онлайн.
  2. В выбранной категории билета нажмите на кнопку «подать заявку».
  3. Заполните данные о себе и загрузите документ из отдела кадров вашей организации. Документ должен подтверждать ваше официальное трудоустройство в государственном образовательном учреждении в течение последних 3 месяцев.
  4. Поделитесь в социальных сетях своими планами посетить EdCrunch X. Это не обязательное условие, но мы в первую очередь рассматриваем заявки с публикациями в социальных сетях, в которых вы рассказываете, почему хотите участвовать в EdCrunch X.
  5. Наш менеджер проверит документы и отправит подтверждение на вашу почту.

Количество мест для бесплатного очного участия ограничено. Если места для очного посещения закончатся, а ваша заявка будет оформлена согласно всем требованиям, мы предоставим вам доступ на онлайн-участие в EdCrunch X.

Send an application