- School education
At the workshop we suggest using cross-media comparisons of stories from novels and films, both to improve student knowledge, i.e. enrich vocabulary, and develop certain skills i.e. communicational. We will start the workshop with a one-person play about a teacher that was adapted into a film and nominated for an Oscar. Then we will discuss how to select stories and prepare cross-media research based on your own educational experiences, beliefs, and the students you teach. Our system of three-way perception—aesthetic, academic, and ethical—will help educators determine why they are telling a story twice.
- EdCrunch Stage
Welcome to EdCrunch Reload: Merging Minds & Technologies, a leading international conference on education and the latest technologies. The...
- EdCrunch Stage
Is it true that universities have maxed out their potential, and with the advent of new technologies, education will lean more toward online...