24 November, 17:00 - 17:50
Palace of the Republic, Concert Hall
  • EdCrunch Stage
Channel 1
Centaurs: Lecture exploring the Combination of Human and Machine Intelligence

With bicycle you go faster and further than without it - the computer does the same with our mind. Tools change our nature. Today, we have access to more information and technological advances than ever possible to imagine, and this requires a better-quality interaction between a man and a machine. The session introduces the concept of centaurs and suggests developing a more symbiotic approach to applying technology. As part of the presentation, you will learn when to use computers and when to switch back to human skills. With a vivid metaphor picturing relationship between people and technology, you will get a better understanding of how to employ data and technology more efficiently.

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23 November, 11:00 - 11:25
Palace of the Republic, Concert Hall
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