15 November, 15:00 - 15:50
Hotel Kazakhstan, Grand Palace
  • Higher education
Case session
Channel 6
«Drivers» and barriers of interaction between universities and business

For a number of historical reasons, universities have always been more inertial institutions than business structures. They accumulated knowledge and decades of human experience and passed it on to new generations of students. But today, in a rapidly changing world, knowledge becomes obsolete faster than a student has time to graduate from university. New technologies and markets, new professions and activities emerge. What can a university do to fill this gap? How to build interaction with business to update existing programmes and create new ones quickly? How can experts - practitioners be involved in the educational process to train students adapted to real production? And what are the obstacles along the way? Together with you and the CEOs of the world’s leading universities, we will try to construct a “win-win” strategy between university and business.

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