15 November, 17:00 - 17:50
Hotel Kazakhstan, Grand Palace
  • Higher education
Case session
Channel 6
Problem-oriented learning and team training

“Forget everything you were taught at university” is a common refrain heard by graduates when they enter the world of work. It is not the uselessness of knowledge, but the lack of experience in applying knowledge to solve real problems. Most employers cite the disconnect between university education and practice and the poor adaptation of graduates to professional activity. To bridge this gap, universities are adopting problem-oriented learning, in particular project-based activities for students, thus immersing them in the profession from the first year of study. During the roundtable, we will review successful cases of problem-oriented learning in universities. We will discuss strategies for involving experts-practitioners in the educational process and how this enriches the student experience. We will learn how the demands on the lecturer - supervisor of project teams are changing and how best to motivate students to tackle business problems. We will get an insight into platform solutions that facilitate the organization of online project work and the implementation of interdisciplinary and inter-university projects.

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