23 November, 16:00 - 16:50
Hotel Kazakhstan, Grand Ballroom
  • School education
Panel discussion
Channel 4
Real Change: How to Use Learning Science and School Data

Scientists are offering many solutions for improving learning outcomes and student well-being, achieving equity and social justice in education, enhancing teacher performance and introducing more effective school management. With the help of technological tools we acquire educational and behavioral data and learn more about what and how helps children to learn. But it turns out to be very difficult to apply this information in practice at real schools. During the session academics who study education and experts who use product data will discuss how to interpret the insights from research and incorporate them into everyday practice, how to use data on the efficiency of different teaching and learning modalities, and how to combine it all with the experience and opinions of students and teachers in a specific school.

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23 November, 11:00 - 11:25
Palace of the Republic, Concert Hall
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