23 November, 17:00 - 17:50
Palace of the Republic, EdTech Cases
  • EdTech Cases
Channel 10
Learn to Learn: Myths and Reality of Cognitive Skills

Can you really train your brain and how is this training different from physical exercises? Why do some people in their 30s do not remember why they entered the room, while others at 80 have a clear mind, work, teach and research? Is it true that learning foreign languages sharps the mind and is there a cognitive age at all? We will try to give answers to these questions based on 13-year experience of Advance EDC together with the “cognitive house” case, a model for analyzing and predicting the results of cognitive training. Participants will get the idea of the relations between elementary and higher mental functions in learning and intellectual work. We will also try to look into exercises and training approaches in terms of their effect and effectiveness.

With support
  • Advance
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23 November, 11:00 - 11:25
Palace of the Republic, Concert Hall
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